Fishing in Altenmarkt-Zauchensee


Peace, relaxation, deceleration. Anglers can experience themselves and the surrounding nature particularly well in Altenmarkt-Zauchensee. Those who go fishing or angling here in the heart of the Salzburg Sports World will find relaxation for body and soul as well as impressive natural adventures.

Fishing in the Zauchensee and Zauchbach

The Eldorado for fly fishers in Altenmarkt-Zauchensee is the Zauchensee and Zauchbach. Lake Zauchensee lies at the foot of the alpine village of Zauchensee, ten kilometers from Altenmarkt. This natural idyll at 1,350 m above sea level is owned by the Schneider family from Altenmarkt.

The lake Zauchensee as well as the small Zauchbauch have a large stock of char, rainbow and brown trout. With a bit of luck you will also fish for a grayling. The Zauchbach, a spillway of the Zauchensee (2.5 km long, 2 to 3 m wide), is easy to master even for less experienced fly fishers with a slight gradient of 1 to 3%.

Fishing time: beginning of may until end of october
Already dimensions: 22 cm
Prices: Day ticket for Zauchensee and Zauchbach from € 42
Information & Registration: Hotel Markterwirt,, Phone +43 6452 5420

Fishing at the Reitlehenalm

You prefer to fish your own lunch? Then cast your rod best on the Reitlehenalm at an altitude of 1,280 m in the in-house fish pond. Once you have a bite of rainbow trout or char, you can have them prepared on the spot (boiled or fried with garnish) or take them home.

Fishing rods are available for rent on the alp € 5 per rod
Bait: fishing lure, flasher fly
Opening hours: beginning of may until end of october
Cost: Trout prepared in the restaurant with baked potato: € 19,80/portion; as live weight to take away: 15 € /kg

Groups please register under +43 6458 8462 or +43 664 5347612

Fishing service at the Markterwirt in Altenmarkt

Those who spend their summer vacation at Hotel-Gasthof Markterwirt in Altenmarkt can fish in the hotel's own fishing grounds. House guests can enjoy attractive fishing packages. Host Franz Schneider, himself a passionate fly fisherman, gives tips and initiates beginners into the art of fly fishing.

If you want your catch to load on the plate the same evening, the chef of the Markterwirtes, to prepare the trout or char for you as part of the half board.

Fishing in the game and amusement park

Untertauern (15 km)

In the "Fürstenbrunn" pond complex in Untertauern, 15 km away, young and old can catch their own fish, and those who wish can have their catch grilled or smoked at the fishing hut.
The large "Fürstenbrunn Ponds" in the Wild and Leisure Park are home to brown trout, char, rainbow trout, salmon trout and carp. The fish stocks are partly from own breeding.

Fishing rod rental at the fishing lodge: € 7,50
License per fisherman: € 3,50
Price per kilo for trout: € 15,50
Price per kilo for carp: € 11,50
Contact: +43 6455 238,,


Frequently asked questions

- Zauchensee
- Zauchbach
- Reitlehenalm

The Zauchensee as well as the small Zauchbauch have a large stock of mountain and rainbow trouts and chars. With a bit of luck, you might even catch a grayling. At the Reitlehenalm you can pull rainbow trout or char out of the water.

Day pass for Zauchensee and Zauchbach from € 42

Reitlehenalm: Trout prepared in the restaurant with potatoes: € 15.30/portion; as live weight to take away: € 15/kg

Fishing rods are available for hire at the Alm: € 3 per rod

In the Untertauern Wildlife and Leisure Park, 15 km from Altenmarkt-Zauchensee.